Virtual Bookworm

playing book club online

Thursday, August 03, 2006

August book

Does anyone else want to choose this month's book, or is it my turn? If it's my turn, I must confess that I'm having a hard time finding things to recommend that don't involve child abuse or transracial adoption. OOH, except Cunt! I just thought of it! PK and I have already read it, but have the rest of you?

If that book's too out there for the group, I can try to think of something else. Inside Transracial Adoption, anyone? Mwah ha ha!


Blogger Canada said...

LOL!!!!! I'll look for it, but I'm NOT asking for it. And we would do this just as Corwin and Clara are trying to sound out every flippin' word they see!

8:49 PM  
Blogger Hashbrown said...

I have always wanted to read cunt. Lets do it. And canada, be glad AJWP did not suggest Femalia! LOL!

10:55 PM  

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